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  (a) A lawyer or law firm shall not share legal fees with a nonlawyer, except that:
      (1) An agreement by a lawyer with the lawyer’s firm, 合作伙伴, or associate may provide for the payment of money, over a reasonable period of time after the lawyer’s death, to the lawyer’s estate or to one or more specified persons;
      (二)博彩app承接已故博彩app未完成的法律业务的,可以按报酬总额中与已故博彩app所提供的服务相当的比例支付给已故博彩app的遗产. A lawyer who purchases the practice of a deceased, 禁用, 或者失踪的博彩app可能, 按照规则1的规定.17, pay to the estate or other representative of that lawyer the agreed-upon purchase price.
      (3) A lawyer or law firm may include nonlawyer employees in a compensation or retirement plan, even though the plan is based in whole or in part on a profit-sharing arrangement;
      (4) Sharing of fees is permitted in a 合作伙伴ship or other form of organization which meets the requirements of paragraph (b); and
      (五)博彩app可以分担博彩app费, whether awarded by a tribunal or received in settlement of a matter, 与一家非营利性组织合作, 保留, 或根据《博彩app》第501(c)(3)条的规定推荐的博彩app的雇佣.
   (b)博彩app可以在合伙企业或其他形式的组织中执业,在这些组织中持有经济利益或管理权由个人非博彩app行使,该个人非博彩app提供专业服务,协助该组织向客户提供法律服务, 但前提是:
      (1) The 合作伙伴ship or organization has as its sole purpose providing legal services to clients;
      (4) The foregoing conditions are set forth in writing.
   (c) A lawyer shall not permit a person who recommends, 雇佣了, 或支付博彩app为他人提供法律服务的费用,以指导或规范博彩app在提供法律服务时的专业判断.


   [1] The provisions of this rule express traditional limitations on sharing fees with nonlawyers. (On sharing fees among lawyers not in the same firm, 看到 规则1.5(e).) These limitations are to protect the lawyer’s professional independence of judgment. Where someone other than the client pays the lawyer’s fee or salary, 或推荐聘请博彩app, that arrangement does not modify the lawyer’s obligation to the client. 如(c)段所述, such arrangements should not interfere with the lawyer’s professional judgment.
   [2]传统, 法律道德规范和纪律规则禁止博彩app在包括非博彩app的合伙企业或任何其他非博彩app为股东的组织中执业, 导演, 或官. 尽管有这些限制, the profession implicitly recognized exceptions for lawyers who work for corporate law departments, 保险公司, 法律服务机构.
   [3] As the demand increased for a broad range of professional services from a single source, lawyers employed professionals from other disciplines to work for them. So long as the nonlawyers remained employees of the lawyers, these relationships did not violate the disciplinary rules. 然而, 当博彩app和非博彩app考虑成立合伙企业和专业公司,为公众提供法律和其他服务时, they faced serious obstacles under the former rules.
   [4]这条规则反对绝对禁止博彩app和非博彩app联合起来提供合作服务, but continues to impose traditional ethical requirements with respect to the organization thus created. 因此, a lawyer may practice law in an organization where nonlawyers hold a financial interest or exercise managerial authority, but only if the conditions set forth in subparagraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), 和(b)(3)满足, 并根据(b)(4)分段, satisfaction of these conditions is set forth in a written instrument. 书面要求有助于确保在建立实体的组织结构时不忽视这些重要条件,在这些实体中,非博彩app享有与传统博彩app事务所合伙人同等的所有权或管理角色.
   [5]规则5下的非博彩app参与人.4 ought not be confused with nonlawyer assistants under 规则5.3. 非博彩app参与者是在提供法律服务的组织中拥有管理权或经济利益的人. 在这样的组织中, 拥有经济利益或管理权的博彩app博彩app知道或理应知道的非博彩app参与者的道德不端行为负有责任. This is the same standard of liability contemplated by 规则5.1, regarding the responsibilities of lawyers with direct supervisory authority over other lawyers.
   [6]规则5规定的非博彩app助理.3 do not have managerial authority or financial interests in the organization. 对非博彩app助理有直接监督权的博彩app只对博彩app实际知道的助理的道德不端行为负责.
   [7] As the introductory portion of paragraph (b) makes clear, 放宽关于非博彩app拥有经济利益或行使管理权的规则的目的是允许非博彩app专业人员与博彩app一起提供法律服务,而不会被降级为雇员的角色. 例如, the rule permits economists to work in a firm with antitrust or public utility practitioners, psychologists or psychiatric social workers to work with family law practitioners to assist in counseling clients, nonlawyer lobbyists to work with lawyers who perform legislative services, 注册会计师与税务博彩app或其他使用会计师服务提供法律服务的人合作, and professional managers to serve as office managers, 执行董事, 或者处于类似的位置. 在所有这些情况下, the professionals may be given financial interests or managerial responsibility, so long as all of the requirements of paragraph (c) are met.
   [8] (b)款不允许个人或实体为投资或其他目的获得法律合伙或其他形式的法律执业组织的全部或部分所有权. 因此,它不允许成立公司, 一家投资银行公司, 一个投资者, 或任何其他个人或实体有权获得博彩app事务所或其他类似组织的全部或部分收入或利润. 因为这样的投资者不会是在博彩app事务所或其他组织中提供专业服务的个人, the requirements of paragraph (b) would not be met.
   [9] (b)项中的“个人”一词并非旨在排除个人专业公司参与博彩app事务所或其他组织,就像目前注册为专业公司的博彩app参与包括专业公司在内的合伙企业一样.
   [10] Some sharing of fees is likely to occur in the kinds of organizations permitted by paragraph (b). Subparagraph (a)(4) makes it clear that such fee sharing is not prohibited.
   [11] Subparagraph (a)(5) permits a lawyer to share legal fees 与一家非营利性组织合作, 保留, or recommended employment of the lawyer in the matter. 博彩app可以决定将从对方获得的全部或部分法律费用捐赠给非营利组织. Such a contribution may or may not involve fee-splitting, 但是当它发生的时候, 组织将获得全部或部分博彩app费用的前景并不必然损害博彩app的职业独立性, whether the lawyer is employed by the organization or was only 保留 or recommended by it. 同意与此类机构分担法律费用的博彩app仍有义务仅从客户的最佳利益出发进行专业判断. 此外, 在这种情况下,费用分摊可以促进这些非营利组织的财务可行性,并促进他们的公共利益使命. Unlike the corresponding provision of Model 规则5.4(a)(5), 这项规定不限于分担法院判给的费用,因为这种限制会严重妨碍案件的解决, without significantly advancing the purpose of the exception. 以防止滥用这一更广泛的例外, it applies only if the nonprofit organization qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 
